Navigate your life by CHOICE, not circumstance.

You will not know where your journey will end when you opt for change,

but trust your instinct when it says “you cannot stay where you are”


Who Am I ? what do we do?

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The Choice & Courage Co.

“Collaboratively Generating Solutions To Empower You Though Life”

Discover Your Inner Power •Connect To Nature •Transform Your Life

Choice &Courage Co. founder Diane McClay is committed to helping clients increase awareness, remove barriers and create a pathway to living an inspiring and purpose-filled life. Diane spent 22 years as a public steward of federal and state recreations sites and carries forward her love and awe of nature into her writing, client work, and workshops.

As a generous-optimist and avid hiker, Diane carries an abundance of belief in others, a keen ability to create different perspectives, and an insane amount of belief in everyone she meets in life or on the trail. “I SEE YOU, and I RAISE YOU, to empower your life through choice!”

Diane is lives in the Pacific Northwest with her partner and 2 dogs. She is a certified professional coach, storyteller, radio host, public speaker and contributing author to Dreaming Big, Being Bold Vol. 4- Inspiring Stories from Trailblazers, Visionaries, and Change Makers.

Slow down when you go into Nature.

Stop: Feel With Your Heart. Listen: With Your Soul.

Close Your Eyes; Open Your Mind.

Let Your Feet Connect To The Earth; Breathe.

When you reopen your eyes, notice what’s different

-about you, and your surroundings.



Change, is the only constant in life.

-Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher


CHANGE. How do you feel when you see this word?

At the Choice & Courage Co. we believe in the abundance of opportunities that “change” can bring.

We also believe Choice plays a critical role in personal empowerment and transformation.

Can we all agree change is inevitable?

There are a few things we can count on with change:

  • It will happen TO US or AROUND US.

  • It will show up, whether we deliberately seek it, or if it is thrust upon us with little to no warning what-so-ever.

Although we don’t always get to to choose what happens to us, as humans, we can choose how we: react to it; learn and teach from it, and (hopefully) grow through it when we get ‘To The Other Side’©.

More importantly, there is a unique opportunity to choose how change defines us!

Our company is built on 5 essentially rooted principles that impact personal power:

  1. Increasing Awareness

  2. Creating Options and New Perspectives

  3. Leveraging Choice

  4. Creating Inspiration

  5. Stepping Into Deliberate and Purposeful Action

At the Choice & Courage Co. we are committed to helping you navigate changes you want to make, and changes that may have been made for you. We help you transform insecurity into security, and human vulnerability into super-strengths while connecting you to the beauty and awe that nature provides.


Video Samples From The Choice & Courage Co. two main philosophies:

  • Change Your Perspective

  • Make A Choice To Move Forward (even if it’s a small step)


Video length: 2 minutes. Suitable for all audiences Looking at art from different perspectives allows us to different things. When you feel blocked, how can you change your perspective to help you?



This 25-author anthology published by Dream Big, Be Bold Media and Paula Morand Enterprises, Ontario Ca is the 4th volume of Dreaming Big, Being Bold, Inspiring Stories by Trailblazers, Visionaries, and Change-Makers. Read individual, true stories that highlight ‘Significant Life-Changing Events’. Ranked #1 new best seller on Amazon.CA in 2018, shares “lesson’s learned” by the authors, applicable to every day life.


At the end of your one life, what will your story tell?

Grab Your Free 30-Minute Courageous Choice Discovery Session with me to find out!